Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee

Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century (1853), now online, is the history of Tennessee from its beginnings as "that part of North Carolina west of the mountains" until it became the sixteenth state in the Union. Ceded by North Carolina to the United States after the Revolutionary War, but not accepted by them, they adopted several forms of self-government. This is a story of their trials, their battles with the Native Americans who occupied the lands the pioneers coveted, and their ultimate statehood. Ramsey, Corresponding Secretary of the East Tennessee Historical and Antiquarian Society, drew much of his material from original sources. As history, the Annals are extremely readable. As a genealogical resource, Ramsey's contribution to the field is invaluable.

To read the Annals online: Click Here.

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