Thursday, July 16, 2009

My[your-state-of-interest] sponsors a series of state genealogy web pages whose URLs are all of the from http://my[state], for example: Among other historical and genealogical information and resources, these pages all contain a handy graphical county finder for the state, with links to county level resources, a lucid thumbnail history of the state, a useful list of extinct counties and a very useful list of courthouse fires which may, or may not, have caused records to be lost, in some cases including an assessment of the extent of the damage and places where the records involved may still be found.

The Virginia site is exceptionally complete.

To view the Virginia site: Click Here.

To view the Tennessee site: Click Here.

To view the Kentucky site: Click Here.

To view the North Carolina site: Click Here.

1 comment:

  1. It says at the top but that's just a front-end for There are ads throughout. And if if you enter data into any of the boxes that offer to get you started in genealogy, you're taken to
