Saturday, September 27, 2008

Will Allen Dromgoole

Tennessee author and poetess Will Allen Dromgoole played a pivotal role in Melungeon historiography thanks to four newspaper articles about Melungeons written by her in 1890 and 1891 and published in the Nashville Daily American and the Boston Arena. The accuracy of these accounts is debatable, to say the least, but for good or ill they constituted the first widespread reporting about the Melungeons and influenced later authors, making no study of the Melungeons complete without them.

To read about the life of Will Allen Dromgoole: Click Here.

To read the four articles:
  • "The Melungeon Tree and Its Four Branches"
  • “Land of The Malungeons”
  • "The Malungeons"
  • "A Strange People"
Click Here.

1 comment:

  1. I believe they came from the mediteranian area in the 1600,s. Portugal is probably correct. My uncles father was a Melungeon. HE was so dark they called him Nigger O'Neal. My uncle and his children (my cousins) were all of dark complection. ON my wife's side there was one named Green.
